Finasteride vs Minoxidil: What’s The Right Choice For Me?

Daniel Hurley
Daniel HurleyMPharm IPPharmacist Independent Prescriber

At The Independent Pharmacy, we understand the heartache of staring at the mirror, noticing those receding hairlines or thinning patches. It’s a silent struggle many of us face. The sinking feeling, the silent sighs, and the desperate search for solutions. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re on a quest to reclaim your crowning glory. You’re not alone in this journey. We recognise the courage it takes to seek solutions, and we’re here with you every step of the way. Two names often pop up in this search: Finasteride and Minoxidil. But what are they? How do they work? And most importantly, which one is right for you? Dive in as we unravel the differences, benefits, and potential side effects of these FDA-approved treatments for hair loss.

Finasteride vs Minoxidil: What’s the Difference?

At the heart of the hair loss battle are two giants: Finasteride and Minoxidil. While both aim to give you a thicker head of hair, their mechanisms of action, forms, and potential benefits differ. Think of them as two distinct paths leading to the same destination: a healthier hair growth cycle. Whether you’re a man noticing the early signs of male pattern baldness or a woman distressed by androgenetic alopecia, understanding these differences is crucial. It empowers you to make an informed choice tailored to your unique hair health needs.

What Is Finasteride?

Finasteride is a prescription drug, often recognised by its oral tablet form. It’s primarily designed to combat male pattern baldness. But what makes it special? It targets the hormone responsible for hair thinning: dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT, a complex-sounding term, is simply a hormone that, in excess, can lead to hair thinning. By inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT, Finasteride halts the progression of hair loss and encourages hair regrowth. It’s a beacon of hope for many, but understanding its workings and potential side effects is crucial before incorporating it into your daily routine.

How Finasteride Works

Imagine your hair follicles as tiny gardens. For these gardens to flourish, they need the right environment, free from harmful elements. Enter DHT, a byproduct of testosterone, which, in excess, can wreak havoc on these gardens, leading to male pattern baldness. Finasteride for hair loss acts as a guardian, inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Reducing DHT levels protects your hair follicles and fosters an environment where hair can thrive, leading to a noticeable improvement in hair growth and density.

What Is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is a treatment for hair loss that’s often found in a topical solution or foam form. Originally developed as a blood pressure medication, its hair growth-stimulating properties were a serendipitous discovery. Unlike Finasteride, which targets hormones, the topical treatment Minoxidil focuses on increasing the blood flow to the hair follicles. This enhanced blood flow revitalises dormant hairs, leading to denser and healthier hair. Whether you’re using the liquid solution or the foam form, Minoxidil offers a ray of hope to those seeking a non-hormonal approach to an effective hair loss treatment.

How Minoxidil Works

Imagine your scalp as a vast landscape, with each hair follicle rooted deep, thirsting for nourishment. Minoxidil acts like a river, enhancing the flow of blood to these follicles. Specifically, it’s a ‘vasodilator’, a fancy term meaning it helps widen blood vessels, ensuring a steady stream of nutrients and oxygen reaches each hair. This rejuvenates dormant hairs and extends the ‘anagen phase’ - the active growth phase of hair. The result? Longer, thicker hair that dances with life. It’s nature and science working in harmony to combat the challenges of hair loss.

Potential Side Effects of Minoxidil and Finasteride

One of the main differences between Minoxidil and Finasteride lies in the side effects you might experience.

We know that every solution, no matter how promising, can bring its own set of worries and considerations. We’re here to guide you through them.

For Minoxidil, the adverse effects are primarily localised. The common side effects of Minoxidil include:

  • skin irritation
  • itchiness
  • redness at the application site
  • excessive hair growth on your body

But it doesn’t stop there. Some might experience more severe reactions, like blurred vision or an irregular heartbeat.

On the flip side, Finasteride, being an oral medication, can have ‘systemic’ side effects, meaning they can affect your entire body. The side effects of Finasteride include:

  • erectile dysfunction
  • decreased libido
  • breast enlargement and tenderness

While these side effects are rare, they can be more profound than those associated with Minoxidil.

Your well-being is paramount. Always listen to your body and trust your feelings. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to seek medical advice. Remember, the journey to a thicker head of hair should never compromise your overall well-being.

Is it Safe to Take Minoxidil and Finasteride Together?

The quest for luscious locks often leads to a pivotal question: Can I combine the power of both Minoxidil and Finasteride? The answer, backed by numerous large-scale studies, is a resounding yes. Both medications, with their distinct mechanisms, can work in tandem to offer a comprehensive hair restoration solution. While they’re generally safe when used together, it’s always wise to be vigilant. Monitor for any unusual symptoms and always consult with a dermatology expert before making any changes to your treatment plan. After all, your hair journey is unique, and it deserves a tailored approach.

Minoxidil vs Finasteride: Who Can Use the Treatment?

Navigating the maze of hair loss medications can be daunting. But understanding who these effective treatments are for and the differences between Finasteride and Minoxidil can be your guiding star. Finasteride, with its hormone-targeting mechanism, is primarily for men grappling with male pattern baldness. However, women with female pattern hair loss might also find solace in it, albeit under strict medical guidance. Minoxidil, with its vasodilatory properties, which allow your blood vessels to open further, is a universal soldier, battling various forms of hair loss in both men and women. Whether it’s androgenetic alopecia or thinning hair, Minoxidil offers a glimmer of hope. Remember, every person’s hair loss journey is unique. It’s essential to choose a treatment that resonates with your specific needs.

Minoxidil vs Finasteride: What You Need to Know About Dosage

Dosage is the bridge between a medication’s potential and its real-world impact. For Minoxidil, the typical recommendation is a 1 ml topical solution applied directly to the scalp twice daily. This ensures optimal blood flow and nourishment to the hair follicles. But keep in mind that Minoxidil comes in 2-5% concentration, and it’s important that you consult a healthcare professional to get the right product and use it correctly. On the other hand, Finasteride usually comes as a daily tablet with a standard dose of 1mg. It’s crucial to stick to these dosages. Overdosing won’t accelerate hair growth but might increase the risk of side effects. Always consult with a medical professional before adjusting dosages, and remember, consistency is key to witnessing a noticeable improvement in hair growth.

Finasteride vs Minoxidil: Which Is More Effective for Hair Loss?

The golden question: Which reigns supreme in the battle against hair loss? The answer isn’t straightforward. By targeting the hormone responsible for hair thinning, Finasteride offers a robust solution for male pattern baldness and has shown efficacy in women with female pattern hair loss. Minoxidil, with its focus on blood flow, is versatile, addressing various types of hair loss. Scientific studies, including peer-reviewed ones from journals like the European Journal of Dermatology, suggest that both are effective, but their suitability varies based on the type of hair loss and individual response. What is the best approach? Consult a dermatologist to tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your unique hair health journey.

Minoxidil vs Finasteride: Which Is the Right Option for You?

Embarking on the journey to restore your hair’s former glory is deeply personal. While both Minoxidil and Finasteride have proven their mettle in the hair restoration arena, the right choice hinges on several factors.

First, consider their mechanisms of action. While Finasteride plays defence, blocking the hormones that threaten your hair, Minoxidil goes on the offence, boosting blood flow to rejuvenate hair follicles.

Then, there’s the matter of potential side effects, from the itchy skin caused by Minoxidil to the more profound sexual side effects some experience with Finasteride.

Lifestyle preferences, such as the ease of popping a pill versus applying a topical solution, also come into play.

Lastly, remember that every individual’s response to medications varies. Some might revel in the benefits of one, while others might find a combination approach more fruitful. The key is to consult, reflect, and choose a path that aligns with your body, needs, and hair aspirations.

People Also Ask

Does Minoxidil have less side effects than Finasteride?

A common query that echoes in the corridors of hair loss forums. In general, Minoxidil’s side effects are primarily localised, like skin irritation or itchiness at the application site. Finasteride, being an oral medication, can have systemic side effects, including sexual dysfunction or mood changes in rare cases. However, it’s essential to note that while Minoxidil’s side effects are often milder, Finasteride’s side effects, though rare, can be more profound. Always prioritise your well-being and consult with a dermatologist to understand the potential risks and benefits better.

Should I use Minoxidil, Finasteride, or both?

The answer to this lies in your unique hair story and what you’re comfortable with. With its direct approach to stimulating hair growth, Minoxidilmight appeal to those looking for a non-hormonal solution. Finasteride, with its hormone-blocking prowess, is a beacon for many men facing male pattern baldness. For those seeking an all-encompassing approach, combining the two can offer synergistic benefits. Numerous large-scale studies have shown that using both can lead to more significant improvements in hair growth than using either alone. However, it’s paramount to tread with caution and seek medical advice before combining treatments.

Do I need to take Minoxidil and Finasteride forever? How long do I have to take?

We understand that the journey to restoring hair feels long and sometimes overwhelming; remember, it’s a marathon, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Both Minoxidil and Finasteride are not cures but treatments. For Minoxidil, as long as you apply it, you’ll likely maintain the benefits. However, if you stop, any newly regrown hair may be lost, and you could return to the level of hair loss you had before starting the treatment.

Similarly, with Finasteride, the benefits last as long as you take the pill. Discontinuation might lead to a gradual return to the baseline level of hair loss. It’s akin to watering a plant; consistent care yields the best results.

Always remember that the commitment to these treatments is long-term. Consult with a dermatologist to set realistic expectations and understand the duration that best suits your needs.


While hair loss is common, we recognise its deeply personal and emotional impact on each individual. Only those who've walked the path can truly understand the emotional roller-coaster it triggers, from denial to acceptance. In this vast landscape of hair loss treatments, Minoxidil and Finasteride emerge as two potent allies. While each has its strengths, mechanisms, and potential side effects, the choice boils down to individual needs, preferences, and medical advice. Whether you opt for Minoxidil's vasodilatory magic, Finasteride's hormonal defence, or a combination of both, remember that the journey is unique to you.

At The Independent Pharmacy, we’re not just about medications but about understanding your journey, fears, and hopes. We’re committed to walking this path with you, offering guidance, understanding, and a listening ear.

Stay informed, consult regularly with medical professionals, and be kind to yourself. Your hair story is just one chapter in your life’s story.


Minoxidil for hair loss (

Finasteride: MedlinePlus Drug Information

Topical Minoxidil fortified with Finasteride: An account of maintenance of hair density after replacing oral finasteride - PMC (

A randomised, double-blind controlled study of the efficacy and safety of topical solution of 0.25% finasteride admixed with 3% minoxidil vs. 3% minoxidil solution in the treatment of male androgenetic alopecia - PubMed (

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