There are several treatments available to help treat excessive earwax. The most widely available are listed below:
- Eardrops – these treatments are applied several times daily, usually for 3-5 days. They are designed to help soften the earwax, allowing it to pass out of the ear naturally. Examples of earwax softening drops include; Otex ear drops, Earex ear drops and Olive Oil ear drops.
- Ear irrigation – this method is quick and painless and involves gently pumping water into the ear canal, which washes the earwax out. This procedure is typically performed by a GP or practice nurse using an electric pump. You can also buy ear irrigation solutions over-the-counter for use at home. An example of an over-the-counter ear irrigation solution is Audiclean.
- Aural toilet – involves using a thin instrument with a hooped end that is designed to scrape out the ear wax. This procedure is usually performed in a hospital.
- Microsuction – a quick and painless procedure that uses a small device to suck the earwax from the ear canal. This method, like the aural toilet, is usually performed in a hospital.
Some people naturally produce more earwax than others, which makes them more prone to the condition. In these cases, more frequent treatment may be required. To discover which treatment is suitable for you, ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.